  • 特别治疗正片

    特殊待遇,Special Treatment
  • 影片:特别治疗
  • 当前:更新至1集在线观看全集免费VIP
  • 演员:米莲娜·德拉维奇/留巴·塔迪奇/杜西察·热加拉茨
  • 指导:高兰·帕斯卡杰维奇
  • 上映:1980
  • 区域:南斯拉夫
  • 归类:剧情/ 喜剧
  • 频道:dy
  • 公映:1980-09-30
  • 言语:塞尔维亚克罗地亚语
  • 豆瓣:0.0
  • 更新:2024-03-10
  • 访问:1
  • 标题:“特别治疗”我的电影——东欧及其他
  • 概述:Milena Dravic, the winner of the annual results award category of the 1980 Cannes Film Festival, was tied with Kara Gravina and Traza (1980) for best supporting actress. Goran Paskaljevic, nominated for the Palme d'Or award, was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the 1981 Golden Globe Awards. Illich (played by Ruba Tadic) uses an iron wrist and humorous treatment methods to treat others' alcoholism. In Wagner's music, apples are a prominent way of eating, and in takeoff mode, doctors believe that their patients will be cured. What really troubles most of them is the initial cause of their alcohol problems - so when this eccentric doctor took his six patients to a nearby brewery to prove his treatment was successful, the chaotic results emerged. Firstly, a patient mixed a stimulant into an apple they took during their journey (with two of them happily jingling), and then the brewery management and their alcoholics staff added the patient's antics.


特殊待遇,Special Treatment

