


  • 影片:金玉良言
  • 当前:更新至1集
  • 演员:查理·辛/丹妮丝·理查兹/安吉·哈蒙
  • 指导:Steve Rash
  • 上映:2001
  • 区域:美国
  • 归类:喜剧/爱情
  • 时长:93 分钟
  • 公映:2001-09-06
  • 言语:英语
  • 更新:2024-04-26 10:26
  • 豆瓣:7.0
  • 概述:Ryan is a stock broker who plays with women, and his unethical business behavior resulted in him losing his job and trading license. Due to being unable to find another job, he was forced to cohabit with his girlfriend Cindy, who was also self engaged (and completely unconscious). Cindy is a callous consulting columnist who is about to lose her job due to her poor advice and slow work habits. Cindy realized that the truth about moving in had nothing to do with romance, so she eloped with another man. Ryan decided to stay in the apartment and make a living by working for Cindy. Ryan, along with Cindy's editor Page, became Cindy's assistant, collecting Cindy's salary checks and emails, And send her Zhu. At first, he was as incompetent as Cindy in providing advice and almost had to cancel the column. However, he quickly adapted to the job, and the combination of forced reflection, research, and growing understanding of other people's lives changed him. The column achieved astonishing success. Ryan found his initial attraction to Page to be superficial, but gradually fell in love, but he couldn't reveal his feelings Because he is a deceptive scammer. meanwhile, Cindy realized that her reputation was growing and she was regaining cash, while the owner of a rival newspaper chain tried to force Page to sell Column for him. Story synopsis: Trader Ryan is young and promising, not only doing a good job, but also having a beautiful and sexy girlfriend. In order to become one of the shareholders of the company as soon as possible, he put all his eggs in one basket and decided to do a big business. From newspaper giant Simpson, Ryan gained some insider information and told his clients that he hopes to get huge profits from now on, so that he can turn the tables. But what he didn't expect was that Qian Bu Should or shouldn't Ryan's lover be Simpson's wife. This leak was just to retaliate against Ryan. Overnight, Ryan lost everything, no job, no big house, no car. Even his girlfriend and cute little sweetheart Cindy left him and went to Africa with a diamond miner. Ryan's life fell into chaos, and his spirit was almost shattered. But a phone call to Cindy saved him, and the submission date for his girlfriend, who was originally a newspaper section consultant, was about to arrive. But Cindy was in Africa, so Ryan had an idea and decided to work instead of his girlfriend in exchange for compensation. The manuscript written by Ryan instead of Cindy made Miss Hansen, the editor in chief, very dissatisfied and in a fit of anger, decided to cancel the section. Ryan tried hard and tried hard, citing various reasons to make Miss Hansen change her mind, and even resorted to a handsome scheme to bribe the old and ugly secretary. Finally, Miss Hansen agreed to give Ryan another chance. In order to write better articles, Ryan works hard to study various women's magazines, hoping to provide readers with better opinions. Hard work pays off to those who have a heart, and the newspapers he writes sell rapidly, and Miss Hansen's view of him has also changed. Of course, the author's name is still Cindy, and overnight, Cindy's name quickly became popular. All major newspapers want to have a glimpse of Fang Rong and get exclusive insider information. Ryan can only plead that Cindy is sick and not easy to see, but this can only make people more curious. The success of the Cindy section made Simpson blush and threatened Miss Hansen to transfer Cindy's cooperation rights to him. Although she was in a dilemma, Miss Hansen firmly refused him. At this point, without a period of time spent together, a relationship gradually developed between Ryan and Hansen. Hansen also learned the truth of the entire matter, so the two of them supported each other and dealt with the pressing Simpson, ultimately achieving victory. Highlights: "Golden Tale" is a family comedy blockbuster produced in 2001 with a huge investment from the American film company Flair. The film has a humorous and witty plot, a lively and lively rhythm, and profound educational significance. It can be said to be a rare work in recent years. The male protagonist of this film, Charlie Sheehan, is one of the most powerful actors in Hollywood today. He was born on September 3, 1965 in New York, USA. Although he only made his debut in less than twenty years, his acting skills have reached the pinnacle of perfection. His appearances in films such as "The American Kid", "Wall Street", and "All Faces Mighty" have been well received by fans and have won multiple domestic and international awards. In this film, Charlie Sheehan not only successfully portrays the image of the good man Ryan, but also wins the hearts of many fans for his handsome and unrestrained appearance in the film. On January 10th, CCTV Channel 6 will broadcast at 22:02! On January 11th, CCTV Channel 6 14:37
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 网友收藏Financial Movies1+1+5 存档记录(中字或国语)第三辑商战/创富/金融2012观影记录我看过的评价人数少于1000的冷门电影my hobby
Ryan is a stock broker who plays with women, and his unethical business behavior resulted in him losing his job and trading license. Due to being unable to find another job, he was forced to cohabit with his girlfriend Cindy, who was also self engaged (and completely unconscious). Cindy is a callous consulting columnist who is about to lose her job due to her poor advice and slow work habits. Cindy realized that the truth about moving in had nothing to do with romance, so she eloped with another man. Ryan decided to stay in the apartment and make a living by working for Cindy. Ryan, along with Cindy's editor Page, became Cindy's assistant, collecting Cindy's salary checks and emails, And send her Zhu. At first, he was as incompetent as Cindy in providing advice and almost had to cancel the column. However, he quickly adapted to the job, and the combination of forced reflection, research, and growing understanding of other people's lives changed him. The column achieved astonishing success. Ryan found his initial attraction to Page to be superficial, but gradually fell in love, but he couldn't reveal his feelings Because he is a deceptive scammer. meanwhile, Cindy realized that her reputation was growing and she was regaining cash, while the owner of a rival newspaper chain tried to force Page to sell Column for him. Story synopsis: Trader Ryan is young and promising, not only doing a good job, but also having a beautiful and sexy girlfriend. In order to become one of the shareholders of the company as soon as possible, he put all his eggs in one basket and decided to do a big business. From newspaper giant Simpson, Ryan gained some insider information and told his clients that he hopes to get huge profits from now on, so that he can turn the tables. But what he didn't expect was that Qian Bu Should or shouldn't Ryan's lover be Simpson's wife. This leak was just to retaliate against Ryan. Overnight, Ryan lost everything, no job, no big house, no car. Even his girlfriend and cute little sweetheart Cindy left him and went to Africa with a diamond miner. Ryan's life fell into chaos, and his spirit was almost shattered. But a phone call to Cindy saved him, and the submission date for his girlfriend, who was originally a newspaper section consultant, was about to arrive. But Cindy was in Africa, so Ryan had an idea and decided to work instead of his girlfriend in exchange for compensation. The manuscript written by Ryan instead of Cindy made Miss Hansen, the editor in chief, very dissatisfied and in a fit of anger, decided to cancel the section. Ryan tried hard and tried hard, citing various reasons to make Miss Hansen change her mind, and even resorted to a handsome scheme to bribe the old and ugly secretary. Finally, Miss Hansen agreed to give Ryan another chance. In order to write better articles, Ryan works hard to study various women's magazines, hoping to provide readers with better opinions. Hard work pays off to those who have a heart, and the newspapers he writes sell rapidly, and Miss Hansen's view of him has also changed. Of course, the author's name is still Cindy, and overnight, Cindy's name quickly became popular. All major newspapers want to have a glimpse of Fang Rong and get exclusive insider information. Ryan can only plead that Cindy is sick and not easy to see, but this can only make people more curious. The success of the Cindy section made Simpson blush and threatened Miss Hansen to transfer Cindy's cooperation rights to him. Although she was in a dilemma, Miss Hansen firmly refused him. At this point, without a period of time spent together, a relationship gradually developed between Ryan and Hansen. Hansen also learned the truth of the entire matter, so the two of them supported each other and dealt with the pressing Simpson, ultimately achieving victory. Highlights: "Golden Tale" is a family comedy blockbuster produced in 2001 with a huge investment from the American film company Flair. The film has a humorous and witty plot, a lively and lively rhythm, and profound educational significance. It can be said to be a rare work in recent years. The male protagonist of this film, Charlie Sheehan, is one of the most powerful actors in Hollywood today. He was born on September 3, 1965 in New York, USA. Although he only made his debut in less than twenty years, his acting skills have reached the pinnacle of perfection. His appearances in films such as "The American Kid", "Wall Street", and "All Faces Mighty" have been well received by fans and have won multiple domestic and international awards. In this film, Charlie Sheehan not only successfully portrays the image of the good man Ryan, but also wins the hearts of many fans for his handsome and unrestrained appearance in the film. On January 10th, CCTV Channel 6 will broadcast at 22:02! On January 11th, CCTV Channel 6 14:37


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