

Maalaiskirkko,The Danish Village Church


  • 影片:丹麦小村教堂
  • 当前:更新至1集
  • 演员:Ib Koch-Olsen
  • 指导:卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶
  • 上映:1947
  • 区域:丹麦
  • 归类:短片
  • 时长:14 分钟
  • 公映:1947-12-15
  • 言语:丹麦语
  • 更新:2024-04-23 08:22
  • 豆瓣:6.7
  • 概述:The history of Danish rural church architecture is narrated through scenes that show how churches were used by the congregation, from celebrating mass in a simple wooden chapel 800 years ago to ending today with singing in a rural church. Shows the development and growth of the church architectural pattern. In this film, Dreyer shows a series of churches from different periods, with church believers wearing contemporary costumes. Each period has a double exposure of the church bells in the sky. Although this film conveys different times and styles to students in a dynamic and inspiring manner, it does not demonstrate the artistic qualities typically characteristic of Dreyer films, except perhaps for some of the costumes originally produced for Anger Day. In the autumn of 1945, the board of directors of Dansk Kulturfilm decided that their planned church film would only cover rural churches. Dreyer will, with the assistance of an expert committee composed of architect H. L ø nborg Jensen and curator Victor Hermensen of the Danish National Museum, rewrite the script written by Bernhard Jensen, editor and principal of the Folklore High School. In mid March, Dreyer prepared a first draft entitled "Kirken er et gammelt Hus" and distributed it to committee members for comments. In late July, Dreyer and Victor Hermanson traveled across the country to find suitable churches. "They studied the details and, at Dreyer's request, carried out some technical modifications to the church, including the removal of the electric wire and porcelain supports of the church of Tvie Mercer.". On July 4th, Dreyer advanced to Ringk ø bing. A few days later, with the arrival of photography director Preben Frank, the filming began. He fell off the ladder and broke his leg. Fortunately, he was prepared to cautiously resume work within a few days, with a cast on his leg. In addition, there were no failures in production. "Wherever they are, they are welcomed by the pastor, and they have no problem getting enough extras," Dreyer said. On August 1st, they returned to Copenhagen with almost all their videos. They just need to photograph Skelby's church, where the weather is not good for them, plus a Swedish wooden church in Hedared. Shortly after the war, the economy was in trouble, especially in terms of foreign exchange, but there were no real wooden churches in Denmark, and it was too expensive to build a set of indoor equipment in a studio. On September 24th, 1947, the completed film was first shown in a closed circle, including the Minister of Church Affairs. In December 1947, according to Dansk Kulturfilm's standard practice, this film was shown to the media, politicians, and others in a single program along with four other short films.
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  • 丹麦小村教堂 图1
  • 丹麦小村教堂 图2
  • 丹麦小村教堂 图3
  • 丹麦小村教堂 图4
  • 丹麦小村教堂 图5


 网友收藏魔都影展大银幕观看上帝的时间是最好的时间③导演合集(欧美部分)卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶 执导作品
The history of Danish rural church architecture is narrated through scenes that show how churches were used by the congregation, from celebrating mass in a simple wooden chapel 800 years ago to ending today with singing in a rural church. Shows the development and growth of the church architectural pattern. In this film, Dreyer shows a series of churches from different periods, with church believers wearing contemporary costumes. Each period has a double exposure of the church bells in the sky. Although this film conveys different times and styles to students in a dynamic and inspiring manner, it does not demonstrate the artistic qualities typically characteristic of Dreyer films, except perhaps for some of the costumes originally produced for Anger Day. In the autumn of 1945, the board of directors of Dansk Kulturfilm decided that their planned church film would only cover rural churches. Dreyer will, with the assistance of an expert committee composed of architect H. L ø nborg Jensen and curator Victor Hermensen of the Danish National Museum, rewrite the script written by Bernhard Jensen, editor and principal of the Folklore High School. In mid March, Dreyer prepared a first draft entitled "Kirken er et gammelt Hus" and distributed it to committee members for comments. In late July, Dreyer and Victor Hermanson traveled across the country to find suitable churches. "They studied the details and, at Dreyer's request, carried out some technical modifications to the church, including the removal of the electric wire and porcelain supports of the church of Tvie Mercer.". On July 4th, Dreyer advanced to Ringk ø bing. A few days later, with the arrival of photography director Preben Frank, the filming began. He fell off the ladder and broke his leg. Fortunately, he was prepared to cautiously resume work within a few days, with a cast on his leg. In addition, there were no failures in production. "Wherever they are, they are welcomed by the pastor, and they have no problem getting enough extras," Dreyer said. On August 1st, they returned to Copenhagen with almost all their videos. They just need to photograph Skelby's church, where the weather is not good for them, plus a Swedish wooden church in Hedared. Shortly after the war, the economy was in trouble, especially in terms of foreign exchange, but there were no real wooden churches in Denmark, and it was too expensive to build a set of indoor equipment in a studio. On September 24th, 1947, the completed film was first shown in a closed circle, including the Minister of Church Affairs. In December 1947, according to Dansk Kulturfilm's standard practice, this film was shown to the media, politicians, and others in a single program along with four other short films.



  • 家族的形式
    8.8剧情 / 日本 / 香取慎吾,上野树里,水原希子,荒川良良,千叶雄大,柳原可奈子,中村安奈,水野美纪,风吹淳
  • 理智与情感
    8.4剧情 / 美国,英国 / 艾玛·汤普森,凯特·温丝莱特,休·格兰特,艾伦·瑞克曼,汤姆·威尔金森,杰玛·琼斯,哈丽特·瓦尔特,埃米莉·弗朗索瓦,詹姆斯·弗雷特
  • 山海巨兽
    2020喜剧 / 中国大陆 / 金尤美,柯家豪,文卓,文梦洋,袁志颖,黎真安,冯佳怡
  • 大秦帝国之崛起
    8.4剧情 / 中国大陆 / 宁静,张博,富大龙,邢佳栋,杨志刚,沈佳妮,赵龙豪,吴连生,王小毅
  • 少林武王
    7.8剧情 / 中国大陆 / 吴京,法提麦·雅琦,计春华,淳于珊珊,许还山,黄奕,于承惠,于海,徐向东
  • 修女艾达
    7.8剧情 / 波兰,丹麦,法国,英国 / 阿伽塔·特泽布霍夫斯卡,阿伽塔·库莱沙,大卫·奥格尼克,杰吉·特雷拉,亚当·斯齐斯科斯基,海丽娜·斯戈贞斯加,尤安娜·库里克,多罗塔·卡达克,纳塔利娅·拉基夫泽克
  • 女子高中生
    6.6动画 / 日本 / 立花理香,岭内知美,久保由利香
  • 想见你
    6.2爱情 / 中国大陆,中国台湾,中国香港 / 柯佳嬿,许光汉,施柏宇,金世佳,贺灵榣,郭文颐,张毓晨
  • 幸福的时光
    5.6剧情 / 日本 / 田中美奈子,西村和彦,上远野太洸,伊藤梨沙子,神乐坂惠,柳沢慎吾
  • 谍海追踪
    2019剧情 / 中国大陆 / 张倬闻,张雯,李琳,牟凤彬,张弓
  • 绯弹的亚莉亚
    6.6动画 / 日本 / 间岛淳司,钉宫理惠,高桥美佳子,伊濑茉莉也,石原夏织
  • 两个人的车站
    8.6剧情 / 苏联 / 柳德米拉·古尔琴柯,奥列格·巴希拉什维利,尼基塔·米哈尔科夫,诺娜·莫尔久科娃,米哈伊尔·科诺诺夫,安娜斯塔希娅·沃兹涅先斯卡娅,Aleksandr Shirvindt,塔吉雅娜·多吉列娃,奥莉嘉·沃尔科娃
  • 新街坊邻居
    2001中国大陆 / 凌琳,刘军,曾凡强,周萍
  • 龙虎门
    6.0剧情 / 中国大陆,中国香港 / 甄子丹,谢霆锋,余文乐,董洁,李小冉,元华,陈观泰,释彦能,阮民安
  • 远去的飞鹰
    8.3剧情 / 中国大陆 / 朱亚文,郭伊娜,姚笛,高峰,刘劲,贾延鹏,罗晋,邬君梅,赵玲琪