热播剧荒野求生 第七季
荒野求生 第七季

荒野求生 第七季

野外求生 第七季,荒野求生秘技 第七季,人VS狂野自然 第七季,Ultimate Survival season 7,Born Survivor: Bear Grylls season 7


荒野求生 第七季
  • 影片:荒野求生 第七季
  • 当前:更新至7集
  • 演员:贝尔·格里尔斯
  • 指导:Discovery/Andrew Wood/Ross Bowyer
  • 上映:2011
  • 区域:美国/英国
  • 归类:冒险/真人秀
  • 时长:60分钟
  • 公映:2011-07-11(美国)
  • 言语:英语
  • 更新:2024-04-22 21:41
  • 豆瓣:9.3
  • 概述:At 1 ″; South Island "; On July 18, 2011, Bear Grylls had to jump off the plane and parachute to a safe area to reach this remote area. Crossing the highest mountain range in the country and setting fire in the stagnant forest is just some unpredictable things he faces in this terrain. 2〃; Fire and Ice; On July 25, 2011, Xionggriers landed on the ice sheet covering an active active volcano. Under the conditions of the snowstorm, he worked hard to advance, and the barren land had almost no food. Can he achieve civilization in the face of surging river crossings and constant mountain torrents? 3〃; Red Rock Country; On August 12, 2011, Bear Grylls was in Red Rock Country in southern Utah. He came down from a rocky peak with only a lasso and was trapped in a narrow canyon. Passing through a arid wilderness, he was hanged on a canyon 100 feet high. And the craziest airplane stunt in bear history! 4〃; A land of gross profit; On August 19, 2011, over 100 people in New Zealand drowned each year, and bears had to cross turbulent rivers with tree trunks to advance towards civilization. On his way to safety, he ran out of water and was forced to climb the active volcanic mountain range and climb down the waterfall. 5〃; Working in the field "; On November 29, 2011, Bear Grylls brought the audience behind the scenes to meet with the staff who followed him every step. Whether he jumps off a helicopter or eats unimaginable food, the camera is not far from the action. Now, the staff can tell their stories.
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  • 荒野求生 第七季 图1
  • 荒野求生 第七季 图2
  • 荒野求生 第七季 图3
  • 荒野求生 第七季 图4
  • 荒野求生 第七季 图5


 网友收藏悬疑惊悚推理谍战武侠动作魔幻探险荒野求生+日常生存自救Man vs wild【看真人秀简直是生活的意外】9.0分以上 纪录片(1000人以上观看)
At 1 ″; South Island "; On July 18, 2011, Bear Grylls had to jump off the plane and parachute to a safe area to reach this remote area. Crossing the highest mountain range in the country and setting fire in the stagnant forest is just some unpredictable things he faces in this terrain. 2〃; Fire and Ice; On July 25, 2011, Xionggriers landed on the ice sheet covering an active active volcano. Under the conditions of the snowstorm, he worked hard to advance, and the barren land had almost no food. Can he achieve civilization in the face of surging river crossings and constant mountain torrents? 3〃; Red Rock Country; On August 12, 2011, Bear Grylls was in Red Rock Country in southern Utah. He came down from a rocky peak with only a lasso and was trapped in a narrow canyon. Passing through a arid wilderness, he was hanged on a canyon 100 feet high. And the craziest airplane stunt in bear history! 4〃; A land of gross profit; On August 19, 2011, over 100 people in New Zealand drowned each year, and bears had to cross turbulent rivers with tree trunks to advance towards civilization. On his way to safety, he ran out of water and was forced to climb the active volcanic mountain range and climb down the waterfall. 5〃; Working in the field "; On November 29, 2011, Bear Grylls brought the audience behind the scenes to meet with the staff who followed him every step. Whether he jumps off a helicopter or eats unimaginable food, the camera is not far from the action. Now, the staff can tell their stories.


