  • 奇爱疑云正片

  • 影片:奇爱疑云
  • 当前:更新至1集免费看片免费在线播放
  • 演员:芭芭拉·斯坦威克/凡·赫夫林/柯克·道格拉斯
  • 指导:刘易斯·迈尔斯通
  • 上映:1946
  • 区域:美国
  • 归类:剧情/ 黑色电影
  • 时长:116 分钟
  • 公映:1946-07-24
  • 言语:英语
  • 豆瓣:7.1
  • 更新:2024-04-25
  • 访问:1
  • 标题:【奇爱疑云】TSPDT 1000部黑色电影(1000 Noir Films)
  • 概述:On a rainy night in 1928, in Iverstown, Pennsylvania, a small factory town, 13-year-old Martha Ivers (played by Janice Wilson) was trying to escape the custody of her wealthy and domineering aunt. Her friend, the street master, poor Sam Masterson (Daryl Hickman), comes to find her from the bedroom window, but Martha's aunt catches them. When Sam sneaked out, Martha hit Mrs. Ives on the head, causing her to fall down the long staircase and die. Although Sam didn't see anything, Martha's mentor (played by Roman Boning)'s son Walter O'Neill (played by Mickey Kuhn) witnessed the incident, which was Mr. O'Neill. Martha lied to Mr. O'Neill about this matter, and Walter supported her. [5] Mr. O'Neil suspected what had happened, but presented Martha's description of the incident to the police, stating that the intruder was responsible for it; He used his knowledge to make her marry his son. When the police determined that one of my aunt's former employees was the culprit, two O'Neals and Martha helped convict her; He was executed by hanging. [5] 18 years later, the older O'Neill passed away. Walter (now played by Kirk Douglas) is a district attorney, while Martha (played by Barbara Stanwyck) used her inheritance from her aunt to establish a large commercial empire. Their marriage is unilateral; He loves her, but she doesn't love him. Sam (played by Van Heflin) is now a homeless man and gambler. After an accident, he accidentally stopped in a small town to repair his car. While waiting for repairs, he met Antonia in his current boarding apartment; Tony Malachek (played by Lisa Scott) Just released from prison. Later, she was arrested for violating probation regulations and not returning to her hometown. Sam went to Walter to see if he could use his influence to get her released. Walter was convinced that Sam had considered blackmail when he returned, which gave him the motivation to drive Sam out of town. When Martha reacted happily to the news of Sam's return, Walter's jealousy provided an additional motivation. Walter forced Tony to frame Sam. Sam was beaten and driven out of the town, but he was too tough to be intimidated. When everything else failed, Walter made a half hearted attempt to kill Sam, but was easily disarmed. Martha then unintentionally blurted out the couple's fear of extortion, which proved unfounded: Sam said he had not witnessed death. Martha collapsed, lamenting that when he left those years ago, he didn't take her with him, taking away her only chance to gain love and freedom. Sam is in a dilemma between old love and new love. Although he eventually forgave Tony for betraying him, he spent an idyllic day with Martha, reigniting his feelings for her. Walter arranged a meeting with Sam to ultimately resolve the issue. Before Sam arrived, Walter got drunk and Martha discovered the meeting. When Walter fell down the stairs and was knocked unconscious, Martha urged Sam to kill him. Sam brought Walter over. Martha pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot Sam; self-defense; As an intruder. However, Sam bet that Walter would not support her story; He left with his back to her. Walter embraced and kissed his wife; Then he pointed a gun at her abdomen. Strangely, she breathed a sigh of relief and placed her hand on his, pulling the trigger. As she passed away, she provocatively said that her name was not Martha Ivers, but Martha Smith. Outside, Sam heard gunshots. He ran back to the mansion, but saw Walter holding Martha's body and shooting himself. Sam and Tony drove away together.




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