



  • 影片:情系我心
  • 当前:已完结
  • 演员:Stockard Channing/Ellen Muth/Kelly Rowan
  • 指导:Lee Rose
  • 上映:2000
  • 区域:USA
  • 归类:剧情/同性/家庭
  • 时长:91
  • 公映:2000-08-07
  • 言语:English
  • 更新:2024-04-25 11:12
  • 豆瓣:7.6
  • 概述:Jane is a high school student who, after establishing a close friendship with another girl, attempted to deal with the discovery that she was a lesbian. This girl made her discover her true sexual orientation. When Jane's unaccepted mother, Janice, struggled with the surprising revelation of her only daughter, it was only the beginning of Jane's troubles.
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  • 情系我心 图1
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 网友收藏已看——百合及百合相关Les 电影目录【Queer Queer Queer】LES片(美国)1姬片/姬线女人拍女同
Jane is a high school student who, after establishing a close friendship with another girl, attempted to deal with the discovery that she was a lesbian. This girl made her discover her true sexual orientation. When Jane's unaccepted mother, Janice, struggled with the surprising revelation of her only daughter, it was only the beginning of Jane's troubles.



well,I guess this is really hard for gay people to tell the truth to those they love the best.We just don't want to hurt them.When they seem to get hurt because of what we do or who we are,we escape,we run away from the truth and the feeling we keep so deeply in our heart.
Once I talked to my dad about gay issue and he thought that they do nothing but blowjob and anal sex.what could I say to him then?He understands nothing about being gay and this is probably the last thing in the whole world he wants to know of.
We just can't be understood.
It's the saddest thing in the world.


it's more a story about PFLAG than a lesbian puppy love story.
i really like Mrs. Wascott ,and Jane's mother is played by "Samatha" as in Sex and the City ?
BTW, Taylor is quite my type...
some fleeting pieces of my mind:
1)usually, u won't and can't die after ur bubbly first love has been dashed.but, u are changed, forever.
there is no way back.u r a different person ---which, is not necessarily a bad thing.
2)coming to terms with urself & what is true is the first step 4 everyone who loves differently.
it's damn hard , and yes, it takes time -- maybe a lot ,if u shall take one step forward then one back..
that's totally normal.still, u've got to do it.what matters is u must force ur true self into a corner,stare it down and really see ur own true color.then, no matter what ,try,try as if ur very life is hanging uopn it, to Accept ,instead of frantically painting it "normal".

Can't imagine what I would do and feel if I am lasbine. Or what if my child is. It's right, sometimes, it's not you don't love your lasbine daughter or gay son, it's just because you are concerning that your child would live a harder life than what you have to. For gay, this world is really not a nice place, if coming into, just trying to make his/her life easier. Love differently, they still are the same person.


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