惊悚 / QS


√天堂中文官网在线 HD 简中字幕 免费观看全集


  • 影片:√天堂中文官网在线
  • 当前:16全集
  • 演员:曹承佑,裴斗娜,李浚赫,申惠善,朴镇宇,崔秉默,李璟荣,刘在明,尹世雅
  • 指导:元新渊
  • 上映:2002
  • 集数:16
  • 区域:泰国
  • 言语:泰语
  • 字幕:简中字幕
  • 归类:惊悚 / QS
  • 围观度:2.5
  • 版本:蓝光版
  • 格式:HD
  • 观看时间:95 分钟
  • 更新:2024-04-24 05:33



Jane is a Korean American. She will stay at her father's friend's house for a few months while preparing a chain massage shop in South Korea. However, what she does is not work at a massage parlor, but sells sex toys on internet radio stations. Her boyfriend Tae-in doesn't like what she's doing and tries to make her stop. One day, Jane found out that her mother in the United States was sick. On her way home, Tae-in had a car accident. Jane is accustomed to testing her sex toys on Tae-in, so when he gets sick, her sales will decrease. So she found other men to test her toys...

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